Leading from the Middle: Spreading Learning, Well-being and Identity Across Ontario, CODE Consortium, Leadership and Innovation. 2018
This research report documents the nature and impact of a Consortium of 10 school boards affiliated with the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) in leading bold and sophisticated change for today’s students, in one of the highest performing and most culturally diverse educational systems in the world – the province of Ontario in Canada.
Mener à partir du milieu : Répandre l’apprentissage, le bien-être et l’identité à travers l’Ontario, Consortium CODE, Leadership et Innovation. 2018
Le présent projet de recherche documente la nature et l’impact d’un Consortium de 10 conseils scolaires affiliés au Conseil ontarien des directions de l’éducation (CODE) à l’avant-garde de changement audacieux et sophistiqué au profit des élèves d’aujourd’hui faisant partie d’un des systèmes scolaires les plus performants et culturellement diversifiés du monde entier – celui de la province de l’Ontario au Canada.
Starling Minds
An online mental health toolkit, providing education and training to manage stress and prevent anxiety and depression. The program was developed by Dr. Andrew Miki and is based on CBT. The program includes over 100 interactive videos based on CBT. Part of the program features a case study of Virginia, a Catholic Principal who has a lot on her plate. During the course, program users learn how Starling Minds helps Virginia overcome emotional distress.
Your Best Ideas are Born Here - How does it work? Business and psychology research connected to education.
- Start your day with a Best Idea:
- You’ll be notified each day when your next Best Idea is available. Click on the link in the email to read or listen and you’ll be on your way to a healthier, wealthier, happier, and smarter mindset!
- Best Ideas will help you:
- Build a greater presence
- Communicate more effectively
- Increase productivity
- Create a balance for your mental and physical health
- Set goals to reach your full potential)
What Self-Awareness Really is, Eurich, Tasha, Harvard Business Review, 2018
Self-awareness seems to have become the latest management buzzword — and for good reason. Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. We make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively. We’re less likely to lie, cheat, and steal. We are better workers who get more promotions. And we’re more-effective leaders with more-satisfied employees and more-profitable companies.
The Empathetic School, When we set our compass "due north" to empathy, we humanize our work in schools.
March 2018 | Volume 75 | Number 6, Leading the Energized School Carol Ann Tomlinson and Michael Murphy Pages 20-27
Schools and system leaders must make complex decisions at wearying speed, knowing that those decisions bear strongly on the welfare of others, and yet finding sparse opportunity to reflect on their actions in the press of the day. The question of what internal or external compass guides educators' decision making is complex as well, and in many instances, there is no evident answer.
The Promise of Social-Emotional Learning,
Educational Leadership, October 2018 | Volume 76 | Number 2
What's Wrong with Well-Being?,
Educational Leadership, Hargreaves, A., Shirley, D. October 2018 | Volume 76 | Number 2. Testing the waters—and examining the downsides—of social-emotional learning strategies can improve and strengthen them.
Boosting SEL in K–12's "Ivory Towers",
Educational Leadership, Vanderhaar, J. October 2018 | Volume 76 | Number 2. This article focuses on the role of leaders in well-being in schools.
Le leadership aujourd’hui… Enjeux et passions!
Conseils scolaire Mon Avenir en partenariat avec le CFORP - Présentation PowerPoint
J'ai perdu ma montre au fond du lac,
Rémi Tremblay, 2009
En vous invitant à explorer les voies du courage, de l’humilité et de l’amour, J’ai perdu ma montre au fond du lac vous aide à réduire la distance entre ce que vous êtes et ce que vous voudriez être ; entre ce que vous faites et ce que vous voudriez avoir. Car pour devenir un meilleur patron, il faut d’abord devenir un meilleur humain.
Leadership sous 0,
Denis Perkins, 2003. Histoire d’un équipage échoué en 1914 - un équipage en état de survie et d’un leader - Ernest Shackleton cherche à assurer la survie de son équipage.
Guide systémique du manager d’Équipe 40 situations managériales du quotidien,
Dominic Bériot, 2018. Se démarquant des ouvrages de management traditionnel, ce livre s'appuie sur la logique systémique à travers quarante situations managériales décryptées. Elles offrent aux managers d'équipe un équipement méthodologique, tactique et relationnel, en adéquation avec leurs besoins.
Chaque situation est présentée selon une structure systémique qui s'articule autour de « processus-repères ». Constitués d'une démarche porteuse de contenus adaptables, d'exemples et de supports de référence, ces « processus-repères » servent de guide et permettent au leader de coller à la réalité de son terrain tout en respectant sa personnalité. Il pourra s'en inspirer au quotidien en y piochant des idées au gré de son activité et ainsi les adapter à ses pratiques.
Social Emotional Learning for Principals, Strengthening leadership and Well-being,
by: Mark T. Greenberg, Dr. Julia Mahfouz, Michelle Davis, Christa Turksma, December 4, 2019
Social emotional learning (SEL) is increasingly recognized as an integral component of education for students, but what about teachers, support staff, and principal? The focus of this article is on principals: their own social and emotional well-being as well as their leadership for SEL in their schools.
So What About Leadership Wellness? Healthy organizations require healthy leaders
by: Brian Andjelic, December 4, 2019. Work being done by the College of Alberta School Superintendents (CASS), in partnership with WellAhead, aims to increase awareness of the importance of well-being at the highest leadership levels, and to bring systems-wide, comprehensive, collaborative practices for improved levels of wellness in an increasingly stressful job.
Making the Case for Workplace Well-being in K-12 Education
by McConnell Foundation, the EdCan Network, and Avalanche Strategy. How school, school district & stakeholder leaders can achieve more buy-in for greater investment in teacher and principal well-being. This one-hour webinar presents insights gathered through a large-scale survey of educators and the general public on how to better frame the issue of teachers’ and principals’ well-being.
Well at Work:
Élaboré par EdCan. Well at work calls on education leaders to commit to making workplace well-being a top priority, and encourages everyone to take responsibility in creating supportive school cultures where staff look after their well-being and that of their colleagues – every day. Practical tools and resources that will help you take your first steps, visit: edcan.ca/wellatwork
Sites web intéressants :
Dans un monde en perpétuel changement, les compétences en leadership comptent parmi les plus essentielles à la survie et au développement des organisations. Or, l’acquisition et le développement d’un leadership efficace deviennent souvent une sorte de quête du Graal.
- Site de Leofold Loic, style de leadership correspondant aux besoins des nouvelles générations.
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