
The modules provide real-life cases written or video-recorded by senior district leaders to show how they enact the leadership practices and draw on the personal leadership resources (PLRs) of the Ontario Leadership Framework (OLF) to build and sustain strong districts. Modules include written cases, some supported by videos, and video cases as follows:

  1. Establish broadly shared mission, vision and goals founded on ambitious images of the educated person
  2. Provide coherent instructional guidance
  3. Build district and school staff’s capacities and commitments to seek out and use multiple sources of evidence to inform decisions
  4. Create learning-oriented organizational improvement processes
  5. Provide job-embedded professional development
  6. Use a comprehensive performance management system for school and district leadership development
  7. Advocate for and support a policy-governance approach to board of trustee practice
  8. Nurture productive working relationships with staff and stakeholders

There are eight modules in total representing one or more of the characteristics of high performing districts with the exception of “Budgets, structures, time and personnel policies/procedures aligned with the district's mission, vision and goals.” This characteristic stands on its own, as one of the most important characteristics of high performing districts. Without alignment of all aspects of district work, it is unlikely that its mission, vision, and goals can become a reality. In fact, more than alignment is necessary.

Each module includes

  • An annotated agenda
    • Objectives
    • Overview of relevant research (PowerPoint presentation)
    • Case studies
    • Full group discussion guiding questions
  • A Self-assessment
  • Samples of relevant research
  • Overview of each case study guiding questions followed by the case study

1. Module One: A Broadly Shared Mission, Vision and Goals Founded on Aspirational Images of the Educated Person

2. Module Two: A Coherent Instructional Guidance

3. Module Three: Deliberate and Consistent use of Multiple Sources of Evidence

4. Module Four: Learning-oriented Organizational Improvement Processes

5. Module Five: Job-embedded professional learning for all members of the organization

6. Module Six: A Comprehensive Approach to Leadership Development

7. Module Seven: A Policy Oriented Board of Trustees

8. Module Eight: Productive Working Relationships With Staff and Stakeholders