
The purpose of the Self-Assessment tools for school and system leaders is to enable leaders to assess leadership practices and personal leadership resources with reference to those identified in the research that are required to lead schools and districts in the province of Ontario.

For ease of navigation, please read the instructions below carefully.


1. To access the interactive tool, under “Interactive Versions”, select one of the Self-Assessment links.

2. If you are not logged in, you will be asked to create a confidential account. To do so, simply select Register.

3. Complete all the fields on the screen then click on the Register button. Once you are successfully logged in, you will see at the top of the first page the “Sign Out” button. This is an indication that you have successfully logged in.

4. This account is confidential. Respondents are not identified. Your responses will only be shared if you choose to share them with your professional association.

5. Your answers are recorded only as far as your most recent submission. An "autosave" feature has been added to the tools. Your incomplete data will be stored for an indefinite amount of time.

6. Save the PDF to your desktop, so that you can open it without an Internet connection. Additional responses can only be added when using the interactive feature. To save this document to your desktop as a PDF you must navigate to the last page and click on submit.

Interactive Versions

PDF Versions

Satisfaction Survey

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