The Personal Leadership Resources (PLRs) distil evidence about leadership traits and dispositions most likely to influence the effectiveness with which leadership practices are enacted.
These resources have been organized into four categories:
- Speakers List
- Case Studies
- Interview questions
- Ideas Into Action Publications and Tips Sheets
Publication # 7: Exploring the “Social” Personal Leadership Resources: Perceiving Emotions, Managing Emotions & Acting in Emotionally Appropriate Ways
Publication # 8: Exploring the Psychological Personal Leadership Resources: Optimism, Self-Efficacy, Resilience & Proactivity
Publication # 9: Exploring the “Cognitive” Personal Leadership Resources: Problem-Solving Expertise, Role-Specific Knowledge & Systems Thinking
Using PLRs in Practice
The Ontario Leadership Framework describes the characteristics of effective leaders such as optimism, emotional intelligence and problem solving abilities, which the research indicates create the variation among leaders in how well they are able to enact leadership practices. School leader and system leader practices are enacted most effectively using these Personal Leadership Resources.
Although in some instances the resources explore the cognitive and social personal resources and in other instances the psychological personal leadership resources, it is important to keep in mind that in practice leaders draw on the PLRs as a whole, interactively. Leaders are not systems thinkers one moment, resilient people the next and successful relationship builders in another. In fact, leaders are all of those things, all of the time and most situations require that leaders draw on all the PLRs concurrently.”
Have Your Say
The IEL looks forward to hearing from districts on how they made use of the resources and for districts to share other resources which could be posted on the IEL website. Please share your feedback with the IEL coordinator at
Satisfaction Survey
Strengthening Your Personal Leadership Resources (PLRs)
The IEL continues to promote building and strengthening the Personal Leadership Resources (PLRs) as qualities that are essential to effective leadership.
The IEL in partnership with Andrea McCabe, vice-principal with the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School board, has developed resources to assist leaders with the development of their personal leadership resources (PLRs).
The materials which include presentations, notes and reflective manuals support development and strengthening of the PLRs.
The PLRs modules are generic and are enriched by what leaders bring to the learning.
Participants are encouraged to draw on and apply their lived experiences and diverse backgrounds to help ensure that the learning is culturally relevant and responsive.
Leaders will benefit from this professional learning experience focused on the PLRs by:
- Engaging in self reflection
- Collaborating with others
- Exploring the nuances of who we are as leaders
- Applying theory to practice
- Identifying areas for continued growth
- Gathering tools to support continued growth
The presentations are offered in Power Point format while the Reflective Manual is offered as a PDF fillable form.
Psychological PLRs
Cognitive PLRs
Social PLRs
Culminating Activity